Thanksgiving Without Trying


Thanksgiving can be a trying time.  Trying to get everyone together at the same time, trying to keep the kids from breaking the house down, trying to get everything cooked just right, etc.  There is another option of course- one could always try one of the myriad of fine eating establishments around town and let them do the work for you!  For example, you could cruise down to the Strip to experience Alize, who is doing an $85 prix fixe full course meal complete with an apple cider interlude.  Or perhaps Aureole, they’re offering a four course pre-set menu for $75 in the main dining room or for $90 if you prefer to sit in the posh Swan Court.  Not feeling the Strip?  Head out to Via Brasil Steakhouse in Summerlin and kick back while they bring you heaping plates of Thanksgiving goodness “Rodizio” style, complete with all the fixin’s and all-you-can-eat gourmet salad bar.  Thanksgiving doesn’t need to be a stressful day, if you know where to go!


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